Timo Laaksonen
Professor (Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology)
University of Helsinki
Research line: Nano
Role in project: Nanocarriers, drug delivery, light-activation, chemistry
I want to find new perspectives for using bio- and nanomaterials such as nanofibrillar cellulose and liposomes in drug release formulations. Therefore, I am constantly looking for new interesting molecules and materials for this purpose. Recent work has concentrated on biophotonics and light-triggered reactions, such as light-triggered drug release, photon upconversion, and new imaging and spectroscopic tools. I am working both at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, and in the Advanced Materials group at Tampere University, where I have a team focused on photochemistry and supramolecular chemistry. Both units are a part of my recent ERC-CoG project (2021-2026).