New Publication: Clinical-Grade Patches as a Medium for Enrichment of Sweat-Extracellular Vesicles and Facilitating Their Metabolic Analysis

A new study from Seppo Vainio’s group shows proof-of-concept towards a novel methodology that will focus on the use of sweat-associated extracellular vesicles and their metabolites as a non-invasive approach for monitoring health and disease. The researchers describe a novel methodology to collect, isolate and characterize sweat EVs from healthy and Type 2 diabetes (T2D) participants in response to transient heat exposure, using clinical grade skin patches.

Research article:

Rahat, S.T.; Mäkelä, M.; Nasserinejad, M.; Ikäheimo, T.M.; Hyrkäs-Palmu, H.; Valtonen, R.I.P.; Röning, J.; Sebert, S.; Nieminen, A.I.; Ali, N.; Vainio, S. Clinical-Grade Patches as a Medium for Enrichment of Sweat-Extracellular Vesicles and Facilitating Their Metabolic Analysis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 7507.