17th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Atherosclerosis Society 10.-11.6.2024

Welcome to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Finnish Atherosclerosis Society, June 10-11, 2024 at Oulu Theatre

The event is co-organized by the Finnish Atherosclerosis Society SATY and University of Oulu PROFI themes DigiHealth6GESS and Fibrobesity. The theme of the conference is Atherosclerosis, Fibrosis and Digital Health at the Interchange of Health and Disease. The presentations and discussions will be held in English. The conference represents a broad spectrum of basic, translational, and clinical research ranging from cellular lipid trafficking and lipoprotein metabolism to genetic causes of cardiovascular disease.

The preliminary program of the meeting can be found here. The final program compiled from the submitted abstracts will be e-mailed to the registered participants in the beginning of June.

We would like to encourage all participants to submit abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th, 2024.

Abstracts submission in Webropol: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/CFC63855312BD93D

Oral and poster presentations will be selected from the abstracts, giving young researchers the opportunity to present their exciting research.

Conference registration, dinner on Monday evening, and lunch on Tuesday are free of charge. To avoid no show-up, no cancellations for the dinner, we will charge 50 euros for the unused dinner card, as there is a limited number of seats available.

Registration by Webropol: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/90343BF5D61E238C

If you have any questions, please contact Tuire Salonurmi (tuire.salonurmi@oulu.fi) or Anna-Kaisa Ruotsalainen (anna-kaisa.ruotsalainen@uef.fi)